Friday, December 4, 2009


I thank God for the nation He has given you. May you see God’s hand in everything your nation is going through. I pray for you to have faith that God watches over your nation, and will shield it from destruction. May you not be troubled by what you see, but be encouraged that God is in control of everything. I declare God’s word: Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. May you begin to see God as the Lord of your nation.”

This is one of the prayers of Ptr. Jay Duque in a devotional book that he authored and was given to me by some of my friends on my 26th birthday. Yesterday, it was the second time that I have encountered this prayer.

If we will assess the situation of our country today, you could really understand the Filipinos who went abroad for a better living and the Filipinos who told us that there’s no more hope in our country anymore. In other words, we can not blame them.

I am not against these people who went out of the country for a better living. In fact some of them became a blessing by remitting much of their salaries to our government. I am not even against the people who tell that our country do not have any hope anymore but I am against the curse that they continue to tell in our county.

If we will go back to Ptr. Jay’s prayer, there’s so much hope for the Philippines when we put this nation to hands of the Lord and when we declare God as the Lord of this nation.
I had a conversation with a friend last night about the obvious cheating before even the election come, the injustice that we’re suffering from the hands of our officials and the many negative things that we’re experiencing. We even said that if we’re not followers of Christ, we might curse already because of the immoralities but at the end of our conversation, we end up saying, “LORD, let your will be done!”

We are still hoping for a better Philippines and we are also declaring that our nation will be blessed and will be the Tiger of Asia once again. All we have to do as a people is to unite as one and put our full trust in our God.

As I end this blog, I want to say honestly that I was troubled by the things that are happening in our country – graft and corruption at its best, biggest massacre in history, declining economy and a lot more. But when I went back to the promises of God, I am once again at peace that there would be a big turn around coming for our beloved nation.

Psalm 33:12 (NIV)
12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance.

Greater things have yet to come, greater things are still to be done in our nation!

May GOD bless the Philippines!

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